How to Actually Be Yourself

Be yourself-

Overused advice for every damn situation you can think of.

Do you want to talk to that girl?

Just be yourself.

Do you want to get that job?

Just be yourself.

Do you want to build a personal brand online?

Just be yourself.

It's not bad per se.

It's one of the most profound topics you can think of.

You can find the absolute truth in discovering who you are.

But 99% of us, me included, don't know who they are.

Society has programmed us to fit in, and by the time you turn 18, you're perfectly adapted to it.

I don't want to rate this. The system is important for our survival.

But It's an unoptimized basis for creators.

As soon as we strive for more, we have to separate ourselves from it.

Becoming truly yourself requires you to realize that nobody's expectations should influence your happiness.

Fitting in isn't necessary anymore.

No one is a better caretaker of your life than yourself.

This doesn't mean you have to stay alone, but it means you should find a tribe of like-minded people in the vast landscape of the internet.

From the Inside Out

But wait a second.

There's a lot of work ahead.

Becoming yourself happens from the inside out.

What do I mean by that?

Before you go out into the world and help others, you should spend a lot of time in silence.

You have to help yourself first and get on a good level.

Meditations, walks, and journals will be your best friends.

This doesn't mean you should isolate yourself.

It means you should avoid entertainment and go on a digital detox to find the answers you're waiting for.

Your purpose waits in silence to meet you.

You don't have to find it.

It's always there.

My guess is you're drawn to create something in 99% of cases.

Because we're creators at our heart, it's our birthright.

It's writing for me but could take any other form for you, something like:

  • Painting

  • Filmmaking

  • 3D Modelling

  • Woodworking

There are an infinite amount of examples here.

You'll see that this is your natural state to be in. Creation means that you express your personal way of loving the world.

Even if you haven't found anything at all, or nothing comes to your mind-

You have to experiment with different things.

An idea won't just fly by while you're watching a video about the TOP5 of the best business models in 2023.

Go for all the skills your intuition is telling you without any mercy.

Don't think about the cash, but the meaning behind learning those skills.

Every skill you learn will complement your journey in some way or another.

Learning them will NEVER be a waste of time. In no possible case, no matter how useless the skill might seem.

It's the best way to spend your time if you're just starting.

But it will hurt and won't be easy because you can't tap into the obsession you would have with your true purpose.

The key here is to romanticize your suffering. See the beauty in the gore.

What is the pain and disappointment teaching you?

See it as a quest for unconditional love.

And start to love through everything life puts in front of you.

Chasing your dreams will always be uncomfortable.

You have to suffer in one way or another.

Either because you're living up to your potential or because you're not living up to it.

So better make sure it's worthwhile.

Stop searching for the perfect passion project.

Passion is a way you interact with the world.

Passion comes from within.

The more you devote yourself to your craft, the more passionate you'll be.

In the same breath, you have to connect with people.

I have seen people close their hearts to others a lot recently.

After they've been hurt too much, or after they realize isolation feels better momentarily.

I loved this hyperindependent attitude as well.

The ability to survive any situation alone and never rely on anyone else for help sounds beautiful sometimes.

I imagined myself as a lone wolf striving in the woods for something to eat.

Romanticizing the loneliness.

Unfortunately, that's not how it works.

We're supposed to live in tribes, that's why it feels like a life-and-death situation if we're lonely.

If you're anything like me, you need at least one person to be with you.

It was worse a few years ago, but I only used to go to the gym with a buddy, for example.

I also couldn't work on a project alone because I had to take decisions by myself.

Yes, I was a kid and It's something evolutionary.

But this isn't lost as we grow up.

We're basically children in older bodies.

The point is:

You have to connect with others even though you got hurt a lot.

You wouldn't be alive if 2 people hadn't worked together.

And the more willing you are to get hurt, the more love you'll receive.

As I already said:

Find your tribe online.

There are infinite possibilities, and let's say you even create content online, then you're probably attracting like-minded people already, and it will get easier with time.

Just find people with similar problems and start growing alongside them.

Emotions are always the best way to find common ground.

Existence is Relationship

Fall in love with yourself & express your love to attract like-minded people.

That way, the internal, and the external will slowly fall into alignment.

Suddenly the universe will help you to achieve your goals, providing you with opportunities that seem to come out of nowhere.


You'll arrive at the path you're supposed to be on.

Everything in this world is interconnected.

If you realize this, you won't be able to see something that doesn't benefit you.

Other people become an alternative version of yourself.

The comparison trap loses its powers because there's no sense of duality anymore.

Success will be abundant.

Everyone can have a slice of the infinite cake.

Maybe you're asking yourself why you can't go from the outside in.

What's the difference between letting others form your personality and values if we end up the same anyway?

Your consciousness isn't ready to make this development yet.

Consciousness is expanding as you gather more experience.

The notion of yourself doesn't exist anymore because you spend the time discovering it within yourself.

Turning outside is a distraction most of the time.

You can only dive into the true depths by looking inward.

From this lens we created, conventional wisdom makes sense again.

You have to risk looking like an idiot to find the person behind the social conditioning.

You have to look inward and do what your intuition tells you to find your unique truth.

People still stuck in this conditioning will, of course, see you as someone crazy.

That's also why you should stop listening to ANYONE for advice until you have a specific environment that aligns with you.

Friends & Family are still in this non-aware state, that's nothing bad & I don't want to judge them here.

But finding true freedom depends on the ability to trust your own intuition and ask your higher self for advice.

Only you know what's best for you.

Once you know what's best for you, you can start improving the world.

Not by telling others how to do specific things.

But by inspiring them to follow your example.

Discovering their own way through life.

It's not about the method you're using.

Any path leads to the top.

It's about the courage to turn inward and listen to your higher self.

The End of the Hunt

The universal answer to most of your problems is sitting in silence.

If you stay there for a long enough time and learn to cut through the noise of your thoughts & feelings, you'll find the answers you need.

Those answers are always there.

Your purpose is always there.

Freedom is always there.

You just have to turn inward and realize it.

Don't set your personality or ego in stone.

We're constantly changing.

Not changing means you're dying, so embrace this change.

Open up to others, get hut, trade energy.

A picture is beautiful because of its dark contrasts.

Life works the same way.