The Art of Treating Yourself Like a Friend

Transforming Self-Critique into Self-Compassion

He who is a friend to himself is a friend to all mankind.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Letters from a Stoic

As productivity rises in importance, emotional well-being is ignored.

My mind used to bully me as soon as things didn't go as planned:

  1. Ignoring my feelings

  2. Calling me stupid for mistakes I made

  3. Getting angry when unable to solve the problem

Not fixing this has messed up my mental health.

Beating yourself up doesn't solve a single problem.

How about we switch perspectives here?

Imagine a friend calls you and asks for help because he fucked something up…

Would you ignore & insult him for disturbing your work?


You'd show compassion, offer your help & be caring about the whole situation.

So, why don't you treat yourself the way you treat your best friend?

Why would you kick a buddy who is already down?

Allow yourself to feel without judgment.

It's okay not to be okay all the time.

Your friendship with yourself will last the longest.

Act accordingly.

Building Bridges, Not Walls

Another thing that goes along these lines:

Isolating yourself.

If treating yourself like your best friend isn't enough, don't hesitate to share your feelings with loved ones.

Call a friend.

Stop worrying about infecting them with your sadness.

The people who love you want to help you.

How often have you dropped everything just to be with them?

There's no excuse.

Allowing them to support you will also strengthen your bond.

You deserve love & compassion.

Staying your worst enemy will make you miserable.

Make sure to:

Let pain, anxiety & uncomfortable thoughts sit with you.

Fighting them won't work.

Accept them.

The real you is an observer.

Become aware that someone is evaluating in the back of your mind.

Meditate, journal & see…

Thoughts are like trains rushing by -

Loud for a short period of time before they disappear into the background again.

You don't identify yourself as these trains, right?

With love & compassion



First things first:

I'm sorry -

It's been exactly one month since the last letter.

BUT I'm focused on building my first product & reaching the goal of 1k followers on Twitter atm.

In other words: Providing you with the most value possible.


As an OG, you're invited to test the first iteration of my product.

I'm looking for feedback before I release it to everyone.

Just reply to this email if you're interested.
