How to Join the Creative Revolution

Redefining Work in the Digital Age

The future of the world of work belongs to the creators.

The obsessed & playful will see what nobody else can.

Never seen opportunities perfectly fitting for the individual situation.

The world will align with their will.

Where do I know this from?

I experience it daily.

The Creator Economy is here and we're the take-off point.

Traditional work arrangements are a relic of the past.

They no longer suit our lifestyle.

The interest in freelancing and working from home is rising.

People want to own their schedule and time management.

The youth wants to work less and have more life.

Recognize a pattern?

Work is shifting towards the world online.

Freelancing is just the first step.

If you ask kids from today what their dream job is, they answer with YouTuber or Streamer.

But Internet Creatives are rising in every age class.

Personal Brands sprouting like weeds from the ground.

But being a true Creator isn't easy.

I'm sure everyone reading this posted something on social media once.

It seems that talented people are the only ones who can consistently come up with ideas and make them a reality.

Most don't think that they're creative enough to make this work.

This couldn't be farther from the truth.

Creativity is our birthright.

Everybody is creative.

It's in our nature.

It's like any other skill:

If you practice, you'll get better.

This is more a question of reigniting the fire within you.

A Vision.

Everyone can build an audience.

Becoming a Creator is the BEST entry into the business world.

You're actualizing your potential while making yourself valuable to the market.

I don't know what you could want more.

Don't let your limiting beliefs hold you back.

Link Between Art and Creativity

Creativity isn't a synonym for Art but for innovation & problem-solving.

Read that again.

If you tell the average person they're creative, they negate it instantly.

“No, I'm not good at painting, I can't be creative.”

I could smash my head against the wall every time I heard this.

They don't even know what creativity is.

Creativity is the process of developing new ideas, concepts, beliefs, or solutions.

There are so many ways to be creative…

Some 'extraordinary' endeavors needing creativity:

  • Business

  • Science

  • Mathematics

  • Programming

  • Communicating

You don't have to be the next Picasso.

You don't have to have a perfect pitch.

Art is just the expression or application of human creative ability

This comes in a lot of different forms as well.

I'll talk about the whole creative process in a bit.

Devote Your Life to It

Already with cave painting, we got a decisive advantage over other animals.

Art & Creativity are important to survive.

I mean, think about it.


There would be no entertainment, no imagination, and no stories.

Everyone wants to escape reality from time to time.

But besides that, and far more significant…

Creative expression is a form of therapy for me.

Writing this Newsletter-Issue is pure joy because I'm creating something I genuinely want to do.

Following my curiosity.

It's not a desire that someone imposed on me.

It stems from my higher self.

A project, completely authentic.

It's therapeutic, predominantly because you also forget about time while you're creating.

It's easier to get into the flow state.

Everything around you blurs out, and you're fully focused on expressing your depths.

I feel like I'm revealing a part of my soul every time I create something new.

The result doesn't matter to me, that's up to others.

But the process is the satisfying part.

Creativity & Art are driving societal change.

Since the beginning of our existence, creative expression has been used to convey emotions.

If people get emotionally invested in your work, they will defend it with everything they have.

Art is empowering.

It takes people on a journey, an emotional rollercoaster.

Let's take the movie 'Oppenheimer' as an example.

I went into the movie just knowing that he was the father of the atomic bomb.

And as I walked out of the cinema, my mind was in an existential crisis.

Trying to understand & realize what the fuck I experienced in the last 3h.

Understanding the depth of the inner conflict.

Questioning society.

That's where change in people's heads takes place.

Your impact is immense.

Your POV could strike someone who exactly needs that message.

It might even be interpreted differently from your intention.

But that's good.

That's also the reason everybody should do it.

Unique perspectives bring a lot of people together.

You don't know your impact yet.

Just try.

Don't let your past experiences define if your view is worth sharing.

Let's say you got bullied in school.

They told you your view is worth nothing at all.


That's a perfect story for people to relate to.

You're not the only one on this planet experiencing this.

And you could help people that are currently in this situation.

There are so many options.

Solving your problems and teaching your ways to others is a valid career path.

You just need to serve people who are one step behind you.

And there are plenty of them on the internet.

Think further than your narrow perspective.

I'm networking with people around the whole world on my Twitter account.

Your western point of view is a privilege.

Treat it as such.

The Creative Process

You know, I know, that's cool n’ stuff.

Might even work, like I tell you.


Remember, you already are, my friend.

We have to reignite the fire.

It will take a lot of time to figure out what works for you and to create your framework.

But as I already told you, it's fucking worth it.

Here's my broken down creative process (steal & experiment):

1. Idea Generation

For me, this is the hardest stage of all.

My mind gets distracted all the time with all this fucking content out there.

Learn how to avoid them in my last letter.

You have to gather information & even research.

Mindful Consumption + Note-making

Your brain won't be able to come up with good ideas just out of thin air.

At least that's rare.

Consume & go on a walk afterward.

Let your mind wander to foster divergent thinking.

Being bored & letting your brain breathe is one of THE most important steps.

For your well-being & your creative output.

Your subconscious will connect your memory bank & past experiences to generate monumental ideas.

There's nothing special to it.

If you haven't experienced this yet, you're probably overstimulated.

2. Incubation Phase

You stop actively thinking about the idea.

You write it down somewhere to remember it.

But you let it go.

This step seems counterproductive because you're used to WORK HARD to get something done.

But again, your subconscious is never sleeping.

You're giving the idea time to incubate in the back of your mind.

You'll see life through the lens of this idea.

And that's how you keep finding new insights.

3. AHA-moment

All these new insights your subconscious gathered (which you hopefully wrote down in Notion, for example) suddenly come together.

The solution to your problem becomes crystal clear.

Answers should hit you like a Tyson Uppercut.

Do you see why Self-Awareness is so important here?

If you're not mindful about how you spend your day, you won't be able to follow those steps.

Creativity is impulsive…

You need room to think & awareness to catch it.

— Me

4. Evaluation Phase

I'm using Twitter for this stage.

Writing a cool little tweet for the homies.

Testing my idea with likes, RTs & impressions.

This method isn't my favorite.

But there's nothing better coming to my mind.

You don't have to post it anywhere.

Just take your time to reflect.

Is your initial concept aligned with your initial vision?

Take your time to edit & experiment back and forth.

You can put this single idea into 1000s of perspectives.

Research the SCAMPER Method for that.

5. Verification Phase

The hard work happens here.

It's time to bring your monumental idea to life.

You should have all the information & experimentation you need.

Now it's just about creating your project.

You should share this version of your creation with the world.

That's how you get feedback.

It doesn't have to be perfect.

It doesn't have to go viral as fuck.

Just get your first iteration out there & keep improving it.

That's not the end of this idea.

You might forget about it for months, but if you stay on the path, it will connect with another project.

It's all adding up to your life's work.

I'd highly recommend using Obsidian to document this whole process.

Notion is a good alternative, but not as powerful.

Your number one concern shouldn't be which app you use.

It should be the quality of your life.

If you're constantly overstimulated & watching degenerate content, you'll never have monumental ideas.

You have to expose yourself to quality content.

And spend a lot of your time in silence.

Taking walks is what works best for me.

Maybe it's meditation for you.

Yes, it will be challenging & uncomfortable at first.

But silence is full of answers.

You have to face it sooner or later.

Last Words

Create or be created.

You don't need to be a freak of human nature to create something.

Starting is the most important step here.

Stop predicting your potential because everybody in kindergarten told you your drawings are shit.

Go for it and don't judge while you're in the process.

Just let it flow and evaluate after a break with a fresh eye.

Only consuming content will make you miserable.

Consume to get inspired.

You're born to create.


I'm still trying to make sense of it all.

You've just read a first draft of a chapter from the e-book I'll be publishing in the next few months.

There is still a lot of research to do.

I'd love to hear other opinions on this, and please feel free to prove me wrong.


Remember to stay present,
